Teeth in a Day

Teeth in a Day

Are you missing multiple teeth, loosing teeth or have failing teeth? Are you tired of ill-fitting and uncomfortable dentures? Are you doing anything you can to avoid dentures?

We have the solution for you!

We're proud to offer Teeth in a Day, a permanent solution to missing teeth delivered in just one day!

Did you know that more than 30 million American are missing teeth? You are not alone! And you don't have to live in discomfort any longer or deal with the hassle of dentures. The solution is All-on-Four dental implants through Teeth in a Day!

Teeth in a Day offers a way to keep dentures secure and allows you to go about your daily life with confidence. Teeth in a Day is a very different solution. You will still have beautiful natural looking teeth, but now they will also function like natural teeth. The Teeth in a Day solution secures your denture to surgically placed dental implants so that you can eat, speak and live confidently without the fear of slipping dentures.

Teeth in a Day benefits:

  • Eat the foods you love, while enjoying a better diet and improved overall health
  • No more embarrassment and difficulty speaking because of slipping dentures
  • Increased comfort with reduced gum tissue irritation
  • No more costly and inconvenient denture adhesives
  • Teeth in a Day can often utilize your existing denture
  • Teeth in a Day is minimally invasive and can generally be completed in one day

Who is a good candidate for Teeth in a Day?

  • Someone who has several failing or missing teeth
  • Someone who needs multiple dental implants
  • Someone who wears dentures and is ready for a better alternative

Are you ready for a healthier, happier and more functional smile? Give us a call and schedule your Teeth in a Day appointment today!

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